I learned a lot in this class from all types of media platforms. I learned how to manipulate audio, video, and photos. I learned how to create a GIF which I honestly never knew I would do in my lifetime. The one take away that I wished I could do over is being able to take this course for 16 weeks instead of 4 weeks. This class definitely is a lot of fun and I wish I could’ve been able to enjoy the class more than I did in this short period of time. The most exciting project is hard to pick because I know I will probably be using all the technique’s in the future. I think audio and video are tied because I know I am going to use them in the future and they were a lot of fun to create. The summary assignments were also a lot of fun because I learned things I do not think I was ever going to learn if it was not for this class. We talked about Hitchcock a little bit who in my opinion is the best director to exist because of the techniques he created while going outside the box. The struggles in this class subsided once I had mastered all the techniques of design. I will complain that I wish there was another week to come because these assignments were so much fun. I completed all the assignments this semester to the best of my abilities given the circumstances of the class and I will be honest I thought I was going to do poorly in this class. I am glad of the outcome and the knowledge I gained from this course. The only true trouble I had this course was myself but I always managed to get everything down even though I did get help from Professor Sumner. Everything I have learned I will take with me and remember until I will need to design something in the future. The biggest issue in this course was definitely dealing with a loss of a loved one while also wanting to do good in school. Overall this class was a joy to be apart of I wish it wasn’t during such a hard time in my life but at the same time it made the bad days a lot better.